Law Enforcement


LE 50

More info on the rental range would go here

LE Rifle

More info on the rental range would go here

LE 3

More info on the rental range would go here

Facilities for Law Enforcement

Scarborough Fish & Game has 44 and 100 yard ranges specifically available for rental by the Law Enforcement (LE) community. These ranges are available under both daylight and lowlight conditions.

The 10 position 44 yard LE rental range has an adjoining LE building, and is used for pistol, shotgun and close quarter rifle drills. This range provides portable barriers with a variety of cut-outs to simulate various shooting situations.

The 12 position 100 yard LE rental range provides a covered firing line with additional portable barriers, plus the ability to simulate shooting from window, door and roof positions. An all purpose utility range.

The State of Maine Police Challenge

Every year Scarborough Fish & Game hosts The State of Maine Police Challenge. This two-day event, co-sponsored by the Portland Police Department and Scarborough Fish & Game, gives teams from numerous Law Enforcement agencies the opportunity to compete in a variety of challenges involving speed, accuracy and stamina. The team who accumulates the most points over the two-day event walks away with First Place.

Congratulations goes to the Maine National Guard for winning the 2016 Maine State Police Challenge after having a close run off with Portland PD who took second, with third place going to the So. Portland PD.

The Sixth Annual State of Maine Police Challenge will be held Wednesday/Thursday, November 1/2, 2017.

If you are in Law Enforcement and want more information on Scarborough Fish & Game’s Law Enforcement rental facilities or on fielding a team to represent your agency at this year’s LE State Challenge, please contact Chief Range Safety Officer Bob Chandler at or 207-671-0520.