Scarborough Fish & Game Association
The SFGA offers members a diverse range of firearm and archery sporting opportunities. The club resides on approximately 247 acres of land with secure gated access.
USCCA Basic Concealed Carry course
The Training Committee is offering a USCCA Basic Concealed Carry course on 26 April. For more info or to register, please go to Education and Training and Personal Protection and Concealed Carry.
NRA Basic Pistol Course
The Training Committee is offering an NRA Basic Pistol course on 31 May. For more information, requirements, and registration please go to Education and Training and Basic Pistol.
SFGA Rifle Maine State Mid-Range Championship June 29-30, 2024
2024-06-29 and 06-30 NRA Registered Maine State Mid-Range and F class Match Program
SFGA Rifle June-July 2024
New Range Rules
The Safety Committee has posted updated range rules. Please check the main webpage under Safety Rules and familiarize yourself with the changes.
The club is open to the membership 7 days per week from 8am until sunset. Lighted ranges when in use close by 9pm.
No shooting is allowed before 8 AM.
All of our events need volunteers, please reach out to the event coordinator for information.
Building, Grounds and Utilities need volunteers every Saturday from 9am – Noon. No sign up needed, show up in front of the Club House for assignments.
Completed Volunteer Card Submission – Form with Name, Membership Number, email address, phone and ability to upload an image of the completed form. Form submissions should go to Mike McCaffrey
The SFGA was incorporated under Maine law in 1958, however its roots go all the way back to the 1940’s. We are a not-for-profit organization. Currently, SF&GA is over 1000 members strong and growing.
SFGA Club Membership
Those seeking membership in the Scarborough Fish and Game Association (SF&G) must complete an Application for Membership. Applications may be downloaded from this web site or found in the entryway of the main clubhouse. An existing member must sponsor applicants into the club. Sponsors must be in good standing and have been a member for at least one full year.
Applicants who know an existing member willing to be your sponsor must have the application signed by this member. If Applicants do not know a member who will be a sponsor, please leave the sponsor section blank and include a small note attached to the application requesting one.
For those Applicants who do not know an existing member of SF&G, we are willing to consider your application for membership, and will do our best to find a member to spend time with you and bring you through the application process as your sponsor. Please understand we take the responsibility of sponsoring an applicant very seriously and that it may take a month or two to locate a member willing to undertake the task of sponsorship. Be patient, we have you on a list and will arrange for a sponsor as soon as possible.
Applicants must fill out the application form completely and forward it, along with payment of the application fee ($50.00) and the appropriate dues (found on the application form) to the attention of the club Treasurer. Applications must be complete, with all questions answered in full. The application may be mailed to the Treasurer’s attention at: SF&G Association, P. O. Box 952, Scarborough, ME 04070 or hand delivered to either a Board of Director’s Meeting or a General Membership Meeting. Incomplete applications will be returned.
Applications will be processed as soon as possible and released to our Membership Committee for action. Applicants will be contacted by our Membership Committee and provided with instructions to attend a General Membership Meeting for a “First Reading” and be introduced to the club membership. Only those Applicants specifically invited by the Membership Committee will receive their First Reading.